Funds Gifted: $89,183

Andy Rosenbruch Memorial Tournament 2023

The fifth annual Andy Rosenbruch Memorial Golf Tournament was another outstanding event, raising over $20,000 to help fund cancer research! A copy of our gift confirmation is shown below to ensure all proceeds were donated to Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Jimmy Fund, in-line with our stated intentions.

Andy Rosenbruch Memorial Tournament 2022

The fourth annual Andy Rosenbruch Memorial Golf Tournament was another successful event, raising just under $16,000 to help fund cancer research! A copy of our gift confirmation is shown below to ensure all proceeds were donated to Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Jimmy Fund, in-line with our stated intentions.

Andy Rosenbruch Memorial Tournament 2021

The third annual Andy Rosenbruch Memorial Golf Tournament was our most successful yet, raising over $20,000 to help fund cancer research! A copy of our gift confirmation is shown below to ensure all proceeds were donated to Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Jimmy Fund, in-line with our stated intentions.

Andy Rosenbruch Memorial Tournament 2019

The second annual Andy Rosenbruch Memorial Golf Tournament was another success, raising almost $16,000 to help fund cancer research! A copy of our gift confirmation is shown below to ensure all proceeds were donated to Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Jimmy Fund, in-line with our stated intentions.

Jimmy Fund Letter 2019.png

Andy Rosenbruch Memorial Golf Tournament 2018

The first annual Andy Rosenbruch Memorial Golf Tournament was a resounding success, raising over $15,000 to help fund cancer research! A copy of our gift confirmation is shown below to ensure all proceeds were donated to Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Jimmy Fund, in-line with our stated intentions.

DFCI Donation Letter.JPG