About ANDY

Andy Rosenbruch (1959 - 2017)

Andy was born in Hamburg Germany, but spent a part of his childhood in New Jersey and eventually relocated to the US after attending Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). Andy settled in Nashua, NH and lived there with his family for more than 25 years before moving to Harwich Port, MA, a quiet town situated along Nantucket Sound in Cape Cod.

Andy's hobbies included spending time with family, carpentry, and especially playing golf. Andy 's passion for golf was driven by the friendships it brought him and time well spent on the course with loved ones. Hickory Hill held a special place in his heart because it is where he played in the Thursday night golf league for more than 20 years.                

Like most of us, Andy had his flaws on the golf course. His game was plagued by the occasional slice or duck hook, and included a heavy dose of "OH ANDY"s. But where Andy differed from most, is that he had few flaws off the golf course. Andy was a devoted and loving husband and father, and an endearing friend. He was funny, smart, compassionate, and exceedingly generous. He valued friends and family over material things, and had great humility. He seldom concerned himself with his own hardships, focusing instead on ways in which he could ease those of others.

Andy was, quite simply, a truly great man, and he will be remembered for his selfless dedication to his family and friends.